Friday 29 May 2009

A Knitting Blog is Born!

Hello one and all who have stumbled onto my blog page, this is a brand new blog on knitting! Plus probably other stuff too, but knitting is the main focus of this online project.
There are dozens of knitting blogs out there already, and I'll be referencing the ones I feel are worth sharing with others as I find them, to help spread the love and global community connections that knitting and internet combined can generate. Although, as was pointed out to me at my knitting group last night, we have yet to figure out how to knit and use a computer at the same time. Whoever figures that one out is worth their weight in gold!

I also want to use the blog as a knitting journal to keep track of all the projects I've worked on. There are things I've created and given away over the years and it would be lovely to have a way of looking back over them, to give me a boost about all the gifts I have made for my friends and family (I rarely keep anything I knit).

So that's my reason for the blog, I hope you come back often. I can't promise I'll write alot or frequently but hopefully you'll enjoy sharing my knitting woes and wins! I also need to figure out how to put photos on this page...x