Tuesday 29 September 2009

Claire learns how to add photos!

So this is my first attempt at loading up a photo of something I knitted, I'm such a caveperson that I needed help every step of the way, but all being well, I should have retained the necessary know-how to be able to do it all by myself next time.

The photo is of a blanket that I knitted as a wedding present for my friends Jen and Matt, although I'm told Matt doesn't get much of a chance to use it! It's knitted on 9mm needles using Wendy Mistral, super chunky. However, even though it knits up really fast, I still didn't give it to them until a month after the wedding. Oh well, at least it got to them eventually.

So, with my new found skill, I will hopefully be blogging much more, because although I love words and writing, nothing explains a project better than a picture! I might even finally add a profile pic to Ravelry!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Claire, thanks for your e-hug. Its much appreciated! Well done on learning to upload pictures, its not as easy as you think when you first start. Your blanket is lovely
